Sunday, 23 September 2007

The Perfect Wealth Formula For Blogging Success

If you're looking to make money online, but have little in the way of a marketing budget, then a free an easy way promote your website is to create a good blog।

Easy to set up, simple to use, a well managed blog should essentially be filled with quality, frequently updated, content that allows readers to learn more about your product or business. More than that it should be engaging enough to make readers want to come back and read it again.

It's important to "ping" your blog nearly every time your blog is updated. "Pinging" is basically a way of informing search engines and blog directories of new content on your blog. And this is great because search engines love new content and you can expect better locations in search results if you do update your site on a regular basis.

That said, don't over do it. Blog directories and resources look unfavourably on over-pinging, especially if you ping small or trivial updates or changes to your blog.

Content on your blog can include podcasts, video casts and photography, but essentially it is the quality of your text that counts. In traffic terms this may be translated into the "authority factor".

This is particulary important if you, for instance, are promoting an online opportunity such as the Perfect Wealth Formula, Roadmap to Riches or EDC.

This term implies that you are aiming to established a readership and subsequently a series of backlinks to your quality posts. You do so by providing unique content that distinguishes your blog from others. In other words you are seeking to establish yourself, or brand yourself, as the person to turn to for advice on the product you're selling.

Not only can this be achieved by presenting, in own voice, accurate information on your subject of choice, it can be done by making your posts rich in keywords particular to your subject of choice.

Say, for instance, someone is doing a search for Jason Pearson's Perfect Wealth Formula, and your blog is specific to that, then you need to be aware of what keywords and keyword phrases people are going to be typing in their searches for the Perfect Wealth Formula and use these throughout your blog postings.

This way you optimize your blog for higher ranking in the search engines.

That said, it's important to remember that "content is king". The more content you have the better off you are going to be. Keywords are important but they need to be interspersed judisciously through relevant, thought-provoking content.

So, the key things to remember:

Be active; update your site on a regular basis.

Make it yours; stand out from the crowd. Show that you are a real person and not just a parrot. Engage your readership with your own voice, opinions and experiences. Readers value honesty and can see through strong arm selling techniques.

Relevancy; remember to use keywords wisely. Note that as search engine spiders become increasingly sophisticated, you are less and less likely to pull in traffic through keywords alone - remember at all times that "content is king!"

Build upon the main theme(s) of your blog; don't try to cover every aspect of what you are selling in your blog postings. Seperate the various aspects or subjects of your theme into managable chunks that naturally link; this in turn will aid the likelyhood of revisits to your site.

Ping your blog; improve your blogs visibility and increase traffic by alerting search engine spiders that your blog is alive. Frequently updated blogs, frequently pinged, increase your chance of making a profit online(provided you have quality content, remember!). Two good resources for this purpose are and

Conclusion. Developing the perfect wealth formula for blogging success is an ongoing process, but simple to acheive so long as you work at it on a consistent basis. In time your aim should be to develop a name for yourself and an image that will stick in peoples minds, thus increasing your earning potential and reputation. Dilgency and honesty are key.

With practice your skill and creativity will develop and consequently the content of your blog will generate more targeted traffic,leading to sales. The perfect wealth formula for blogging is something that grows.

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