Wednesday, 31 October 2007

I was Marketing Blind!

I'm presently working my way through one of the Perfect Wealth Formula's many ebooks, titled How to write High Response Sales Letters, and I have to say it is truly first class.

"Of course you would say that!" I can hear the skeptics amongst you saying right now; but it truly is, 49 pages of easy to understand and implement "truths" we all need to know for writing sales copy for garaunteed sales.

It re-iterates the point I was making in my previous post; Jason's been there and done it, he knows what he's doing; he's been to the university of internet marketing and sailed through in a breeze; it's quite simply foolish to go bashing away, trying to figure it all out for yourself when we have here all you are needing to know!

I'll hold my hand up here and admit I've bashed out a few sales letters prior to reading this ebook; and I kinda feel a bit of a fool for not reading it first.

But there you go, you learn from your mistakes; from now on I'll do my best to curb my impetous nature and read all that Jason has written on a subject before I waste any more time marketing blind.

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

With the Perfect Wealth Formula There's No Need For Hype

I wrote this ad tonight, and I'm posting here because I
think it's a good one. Feel free to correct me if you
feel otherwise. It's just I like the honest approach and
tend to ignore hyped up ads in favour of a bit sincerity.

See what you think:

Friend, I want to know how your Business is doing,

Please take time to read this email, I won't keep you long
and it is Very important.

I haven't been marketing online for very long and I may have
given up already were it not for this program I happened to

The thing is, we come to internet marketing with High Hopes
only to watch them fade - losing money, trying everything
under the sun, day after day after day...

I was beginning to think the whole thing was a con, and that
only a few sharks made money online - made money praying on
mugs like me - until one day I clicked on this ad.

I have to admit, I wasn't immediately taken by what was on
offer - and yet Here was a different message to those I'd
heard elsewhere, as well as evidence of a program that works.

I was intrigued, yet still not sold.

And so I returned to the site again and again. I did a lot
of research on the product. I listened to the audios and
videos and... cut a long story short, soon enough I was happy to part
with a what was at the time a large sum of money.

Now, you might be wondering why I want to know "how your
business is doing?"

Just take an honest look at your business, because if you're
like I was, losing hope or seeing paltry success, then please,
please, have a good look at what I have here:

Because if you truly are serious about making a living online,
you'll want to save yourself a lot of heartache and expense,
and you'll want to see this.

I know how hard it is to go it alone, to find the
right information and find what works. It's real hard!

So your choice is twofold;

you can either drag your feet and piece together through
trial and error methods that work, with varying success,

or you can empower yourself with what I feel is the most
powerful and comprehensive internet marketing system there
is on the net.

So, have a good look at my site;

explore it all, follow the links,

check out the audios and videos; and if you like check out
my lens, so you can see who I am and what I'm about:

you'll find here much to interest you, some articles
I wrote and some free reports by the man himself,
Jason Pearson, creator of our system.

Please note, if you've read this far, I'm not asking you
to drop what you're doing; you've probably invested a
lot of time and money promoting your business, and
naturally you'll want it to work...

...I want it to work for you as well!

That's why I'm asking How is your business! Take a breather
and see how our system will enable you to sell any program

Anyway, good luck, whatever you do hold to your dreams,
I'm here to answer any questions you have should your
journey prove tricky,

to your success

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Okay, it's time to take this Perfect Wealth Formula Blog to the next level

Below is an article I wrote espousing blogging as a great way of promoting your PWF site, particularly if you don't have much in the way of a marketing budget.

From now on I am going to follow my own advice for blogging success here and start posting more often. Now and again I will post an article I have written about the PWF and making money online, that I particularly like; but for the most part I will keep my posts short, in style of a diary, as is the case with most good weblogs.

Therefore if you're looking for more juice on the PWF you may like to check out my lens.

Not that this blog should be any less juicy! The PWF, in case you don't know, is like a phd in internet marketing, an earn as you learn environment where you hone your skills and become a more and more proficient promoter online.

It's my hope through this blog to prove this is so.

So, bookmark this blog, digg it, make it, whatever you will; I will endeavour to keep you informed on a regular basis.

Friday, 19 October 2007

Jobs Suck and Why you Should choose the PWF and not some lower cost program

Jobs SUCK! as my American friends would say FLAT OUT!

Yes I know I look young and fancy free but the truth is before I came
to the PWF I was weary as hell and over-worked and soul-and-pocket
poverty ridden.

You know the feeling, perhaps; I was caught in the perpetual peanuts
for time loop where you're running just to stand still; working so
hard for practically nothing. I felt so sorry for myself!

A change of thought occurred one day when I went for a bite in my
friends cafe.

Sitting there I pored through his menu, slobbering over the thought of
a lovely peppered steak sandwich, but checking the price. It was near
£7($14)and I only had £10($20); it was a tuesday and this was to last
me the rest of the week!

The waitress came over, and on my lips was the sound of "the half-the
-price sandwich"...but then it happened! I ordered the steak!

You may be wondering if I'm losing the plot.

The thing I'm trying to impress upon you here is the need to banish
your dear "poverty thoughts", and start thinking BIG. Start thinking
RICH. I'm trying to press upon you the need to make up your mind about
what you are wanting out of life and go after that, believing that you
not only have the means do so, but that YOU WILL!

Because when you join the PWF you've got to have that Rhino spirit and
say TO HELL WITH IT and become rebellious and ready to take whatever
you want - what you deserve!

It's like in the following, you know you can't fail:

"I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered unto this world
in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep
waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to
talk, to walk, or to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who
weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the
sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is NOT in my destiny!"

Leaving the job you hate for another is a short term solution for a
long term problem; a long loop leading back to where you are now -
unhappy, frustrated, taking orders from jumped up idiots, struggling
for cash and time with your loved ones, however the case may be.

With affiliate marketing online there is at least the possibility of
living a life by design, for once you KNOW what you're doing the
wonderful world of internet marketing opens up to you and the money
just flows (so long as are you're scrupulous and build a good name for
yourself, but that's another matter).

It's tempting to dimiss the possibility of online success with the
Perfect Wealth Formula as pie in the sky. There are after all many
good lower start up cost programs out there and why would someone
splash out so much cash for much the same product?

This is an error in thinking; the conclusion of those who simply
haven't looked at the product and its infinite value in marketing

The fact remains each product has its target market and it is as easy
to sell a high ticket item as it is to sell a lower cost product - you
still have to market!

The essential difference, however, is in the level of value.
It's not always true to say a low cost item is of inferior value (I
promote InsiderBlueprint for an initial investment of $10 and I have
to say it is a superb concept with as good a sales pitch as you will
find), but generally speaking this is the case.

In affiliate marketing if you buy cheap, you tend to get cheap, and a
lower return for your marketing efforts despite the fact people are
looking for bargains online.

My experience with certain opportunities tells me that because of
their lower start up costs, there's less pressure to work them and
thus, in the case of overide payments, a slower and less satisfying
pass-up rate (note with the PWF you do not pass up sales unless you
join as a free member; here once you have made two sales you qualify
as a Bronze Level member, and thus are eligable for overide payments
on your affiliate's sales).

This, of course, depends on the ambition of the person promoting the

Still, to my mind - and I'm not having a go at vegatarians here! - if
you are truly ambitious you need to be thinking in terms of steak
sandwiches over cheese rolls.

By way of illustration one sale of the PWF can make way me more money
than than ten sales of InsiderBlueprint - and this is without doing
anything different.

Another important thing to consider, related to value, is, is there a
need for this product? After all there's not much point trying to sell
something that nobody needs!

The target market for online opportunities is obviously the growing
number hoping to make money from home. Potentially millions
of people!

Therefore if you want to make sales you've got to sell to these people
a product that will fulfil their legitimate needs. Otherwise you are
wasting your time!

The PWF does so by providing new and experienced marketerers alike
quality driven tools and tactics and strategies needed to succeed and
make money online - on an ongoing basis!

Just as the Encyclopedia Britannica is constantly updated, and an
invaluable resource, so too is the Perfect Wealth Formula something
you can turn to again and again.

This is important and what makes the Perfect Wealth Formula stand out
from other online opportunites.

It's what's referred to in the business as the 'Unique Selling
Proposition', for essentially if you are to stand any chance of
shining bright in the universe of online businesses you have to be

Competition is fierce, and the PWF has been wise to carve out a niche
for itself in this regard. This is why it's selling - it's dominating
and controlling a piece of the market and there is no reason to
suggest it will prove a flash in the pan or any less likely to cement
its status alongside programs such as PlugInProfit and Success

Another thing that attracted me to the PWF and the TC Marketing Group
in particular is the strong team ethic the program promotes. This is
crucial for anybody new to internet marketing looking to hasten the
learning curve and make money online.

Here you have an earn as you learn environment and opportunity to work
with people who know what they're doing.

In ending, the choice is ultimately yours where you spend your money.

For my part, people who purchase a program that does not have the
support and resources available to affiliates of the Perfect Wealth
are investing their money in a liability, not an asset.

As the saying goes,money spent wisely is money well spent. I know from
experience that spending cheap has led me to spending more in the long
run and so the PWF has proved to be nothing by compare.

If you're serious about making money online then you need a serious
program and you have to think BIG. Small doesn't cut it.

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Newbies Just Do It! Promote your Perfect Wealth Formula Business Through Article Writing

I remember when I first started to market online how averse I was to the idea of writing articles. As if I didn't have enough to learn, I was going to be presenting myself as an authority on what I was selling!

Naturally I shied away from articles for what now seems "too long".

The thing is, article marketing works, and if making money online through the Perfect Wealth Formula is your goal and your budget is tight, then it's one of the best, if not the best, things you can do to start making sales.

Yes, right from the start. Put aside your doubts and your fears rest assured that where there's a will, there is a way.

Not only are articles, if done well, capable of driving targeted traffic to your Perfect Wealth Formula sales page, they may make you famous!

Should this concern you? After all we're in it for the money and the lifestyle and not for the fame, right? Leave that to the performers and show-offs in life.

For my part, being the shy and retiring Scotsman I am (lol), I didn't fancy putting my name about the place pretending to be something I was not. I wanted to learn other strategies first. So it was later rather than sooner, through frustration and a lack of focus, I put this worry aside, and took to the task of getting articles and press-releases out to the world.

I'd woken up to the fact that if you want to make some serious money online, and if people are ever going to buy from you, then "branding" yourself and building credibility is what you must do. Because the long term goal should be that people start looking for you; because people buy from people, and they will buy from you once your reputation is cemented in marketing

So, herein lies the quandary that most newbies have when they first consider writing articles to market online: how do you build credibility without compromising your integrity; which is, how to build credibility when you're new to the game?

After all, is it likely someone is going to buy from you if you hold up your hand and admit you don't know what you're doing?

Many newbies feign authority and an aura of success because of such a concern, in the hope they will get lucky and gain a few sales, and thus attain credibility by having some experience to talk of. In other words they fake it till they make it.

Essentially, however, the author holds a responsibility to the reader to provide informative content, and this is best done by writing from ones own experience. Therefore, if you are new to the scene, it's important to carry out a little, or a lot of, research on your subject matter before you begin writing your copy.

Provide inaccurate or misleading information and you're back to square one, except with a tarnished and perhaps even smaller reputation than when you first started. Not the way to success.

Key things to ask yourself before you sit down to write are: What's this about? What questions about your subject matter are needing an answer?

You don't have to be an expert on your area of choice to write articles on it, so long as you are honestly providing perspective and offering some benefit to the reader in what they are reading. In a very real sense you are priming your reader to want to know more, even as you are learning yourself.

Just write what you know. Answer your very own questions. Does the information you've found on your subject of choice satisfy you? If not, seek out more answers.

The great thing about writing articles is they force you back on yourself and what you are selling; which is, in truth, much the same thing.

As I said before people buy from people. It's a matter of course what your product is, build your name and reputation and people will check out your product. Become trustworthy by providing quality information in your own voice(and yes, get your name all over the place) and people will turn to you again and again. You've become a resource.

Don't confuse this by writing about yourself and your experiences at the expense of good content. At all times keep the reader in mind. Stay focused on your topic.

Article writing along with article marketing is a process that unfolds as you get good by "doing". The newbie shortens the learning curve by starting straight off and working at it on a consistent basis. This is aided by the fact that most publishers are looking for good quality texts and simply won't put your work out to the world if it's not up to scratch.

Again, you learn by doing. If you are diligent, honest and study the art of writing good text, rest assured that where you begin is not where you'll be.

Yes, read. Read a lot. And then some more.

Judge for yourself what resources are best helping you produce the results you are after. Mirror good writers. What is it about their work that makes you read on? Just the same analyse articles that just switch you off. Why does this happen?

Learn then you'll earn.

In truth article marketing is laying foundations for your future success. But don't be put off by any notions that is just isn't easy and that success through this tactic is slow to come by. A well written piece, submitted to a top article site, already optimised to rank high in search engine searches, can generate hundreds, if not thousands, of quality links back to your site in less than a month.

Now that is powerful stuff!

Just get the ball rolling!